How To Deal With Difficult Students
How to deal with Difficult students in Classroom:How to handle Problem students
"Handling a class full of problematic students is sometimes tougher then scaling mount Everest."One of my fellow trainer used to say this at least 5 times a day.
I don`t know about him but i have my own secret way of managing problematic students.
From so many years of training experience, I have learnt few thing that every irritating problem in this world has a soothing solution.
There could be..... and I believe there are.......Many hidden reason for a student to be problematic other then just bad behavior(Not going in length of that).Its range could anything from personal problem to social nervousness or from ignorance to unwillingness.
Without going in stupid details, lets come to the point.
I have my own 4 rules to tackle problematic students:-(Forgive me for using I, its not for bragging purpose but to make points clear)
I never get angry and shout : - This is important..In your teaching life 100`s of moments will come where you will feel that getting angry and shouting can solve the problem(I am not denying.... These could) but that solution would be of short term.Shouting can silence the person opposite you, not until his thinking again argue with his thoughts.
I never threat students:- I understand,Threats are very good in making students obey you but if only once you failed to comply with your own threat its gone...Boooom. Now the students will never ever be scared of your any threats.Your future threats won`t be fruitful.
I never take things personally:- One thing which has helped me to manage problematic students is not to take things personally.I understand that the student who is disrespectful towards me, is actually disrespectful towards the subject or towards the education. I am just the medium to vent out feelings.Most of the times i have found that these students have a low self esteem and a negative attitude problems...I always try to help them in solving these real root cause.
I never let students feel ignored:- If a student will feel ignored in your class,Chances of his/her turning into problem increases many fold.I always like to be a systematic person, going from one student to another......Asking question and work my way around every student. Most of the time i try to encourage students to speak their heart and share something about the topic going on.
Remember a teacher is the white collar porter who has to shape these kids.Stop worrying about how to handle students, take it easy.
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